Imports were slashed by 40 percent in April and exports fell 23 percent on the similar month of the previous year, shrinking Romania's commercial deficit for the seventh consecutive month to 835.1 million euros, preliminary data of the country's statistics body INS show. In the national currency, Romania's trade gap lost 55.77 percent in April year-on-year, to 3.529 billion lei. Imports reduced to 2.97 billion euros and exports compressed 23 percent to 2.14 billion euros. On the imports side, the largest decline was seen in the trade with states outside the European Union (EU), where Romania imported merchandise worth 834.7 million euros, 40.8 percent less than the similar month of 2008. Imports from the other 26 EU members slided 39.6 percent in April to 2.14 billion euros. As to exports, Romania shipped merchandise worth 580.9 million euros to countries outside the EU, 31 percent less than in April last year, while exports with EU members only reduced 19.4 percent to almost 1.56 billion euros. Exports dropped 16.8 percent and imports slipped 5.77 percent in April on the previous month. Imports also dropped a total 36.4 percent in the first four months of the year to 11.56 billion euros and exports reduced 20.3 percent to 8.7 billion euros in the similar period, leading Romania's trade gap to narrow 60.68 percent to 2.86 billion euros in the period January – April. Machines and transportation equipments continued to have the largest weight in Romania's exports, with 40.8 percent, followed by fuels (6.4 percent), food stuff, beverages and tobacco (5.8 percent), raw materials (5.6 percent) and chemical products (4.2 percent). Other manufactured products accounted for 37.2 percent of the total exports. Romania imported mostly machines and transportation equipments (32.5 percent), followed by chemical products (14.8 percent), food stuff, beverages and tobacco (9.5 percent), fuels (8.4 percent) and raw materials (2.7 percent). Other manufactured products accounted for 32.1 percent of the total imports.