de Radu Big
Vineri, 14 decembrie 2007, 2:42 English
Responsible authorities claim that the both chambers of the Parliament approved the law and the only thing remaining is for the President to promulgate it. Brussels officials mentioned for that they have been informed on the fact that the law will be adopted and there is only a small chance for Romania to receive any penalties on the issue.
A press release on Wednesday informed that the European Commission will see coming into force a series of wide communitarian measures designed to fight the "false free of charge" advertising, aggressive commercial practices and children harassing adds, starting on December 12.
The restrictions are presented in detail in the unfair commercial practice law (the 2005/29/CE directive), which aims at 12 of the most popular abusive advertising practices. At this moment, 14 countries managed to put up and comply with the EU regulations, while 13 states, including Romania, still have to work on it. As a result, the European Commission opened infringement procedures against the remaining 13 states.